With the new year around the corner it's important to make sure your home is safe. Fire chief Phil Carpenter explains things like decorative lights or heating devices can dangerous if you aren't careful.

"If you are going to be using some lights or plugging in extra heating devices make sure you check your cords for any fraying or nicks. Make sure you don't run them under any rugs because that doesn't let the heat dissipate from the cord which can cause a fire."

Carpenter explains there is a simple solution to having an oversensitive smoke alarm.

"Sometimes the smoke alarms will built up with dust particles over a period of time. It makes them more sensitive and then it may become more annoying to you. You make decided to take the batteries out because it's ticking you off but maybe just cleaning it up will help it. "

Carpenter notes giving the alarm a quick cleaning is a much safer option than removing the batteries which leaves your home and family in a vulnerable position.