The RM of Macdonald is gearing up for major improvements to their parks and pathways.

Council put out a call for tenders related to the work, which will see improvements in a number of the municipality's communities. Reeve Brad Erb says they hope to complete a majority of the improvements over the next two years, which will be funded by the federal and municipal governments.

"This stems from the funding we had received through the Canada 150 funding. We had received 50 cents on the dollar, or about $225,000 worth of grants. Over the course of the next two years we're going to spend about $450,000 on pathways and parks in our communities."

Erb notes the federal funding will go a long way, as they had intended to conduct this work over a five year period using only municipal funding. He says they're excited to be able to move forward with the work, especially now that they'll be able to complete the projects sooner.

"We had set out a 5 year plan to do some of this work exclusively with municipal funding, and to get this work on 50 cents on the dollar just enhances and speeds up the timeline that we're able to get this done. We're excited about it."

Erb anticipates a substantial amount of funding will be used to connect existing pathways in different communities, while the remainder will go to two or three regional parks.