It's under two months until Christmas time, and you may be looking for a surprise influx of cash.

However, don't expect it from the Canada Revenue Agency.

A scam is making its rounds in the area, where you receive a text about a GST/HST deposit. It says your application has been processed and you need to reply with a "Y" for yes to provide deposit details.

The CRA says to not click on any of these links and do not reply to any of these fraudulent emails or texts. Do not provide your date of birth, social insurance number, or your name. 

They will never use text messages or instant messages to start a conversation with you about your taxes, benefits, or your personal and banking information. They do not take payments via gift cards or cryptocurrency, and they will not request e-transfers via text or email.

PortageOnline has reached out to the RCMP for comment on these scams.

You can read more about how to protect yourself from fraudulent activity by going to the CRA website here.