With Dakota Tipi First Nation's desires to use some crown land for an educational centre, things are progressing with the RM of Portage la Prairie's routine involvement. 

"The Province of Manitoba requested some comments from our municipality regarding the educational site that Dakota Tipi has wanted to utilize as some lands that they have leased in the past," says Reeve Kam Blight. "So, we did put forward those comments at previous meetings."

He adds the province responded to previous comments, noting that the access is the RM's right-of-way and the First Nation will be using their road allowance. He adds the RM had to respond to that as well. Blight says comments were made on that point about an undeveloped road allowance that is being used to access this site.

"Basically, it's just saying that we have no intention of developing this road allowance," continues Blight. "Any maintenance that may be required of Dakota Tipi to access this site is all on them. So, it is just basically providing some comments and making things official."