Dakota Plains First Nation acting hereditary chief Donny Smoke was at last week's flag-raising for the Every Child Matters orange flag in front of city hall. He attended the Truth and Reconciliation commemoration at Keeshkeemaquah's former Indian Residential School.

Smoke explains the significance of Truth and Reconciliation.

"As chief Meeches said, it's a very significant day in the sense that we get to acknowledge that this part of history is real, and that, collectively, with the mainstream society, and in this example of specifically Portage la Prairie and surrounding First Nations, we can acknowledge it and move forward together in a united way."

Smoke says the majority of commemorative events took place at Keeshkeemaquah and the surrounding area.

"I just want to thank the mayor and the council and the City of Portage Prairie for the opportunity to be here today to acknowledge Orange Shirt day and hope that we can move forward and heal together."