Like all municipalities in the province, the RM of Coldwell's preparing for 2016 budget discussions.

However, Reeve Brian Sigfusson says they've just barely started, because their CAO is on holidays, and won't be back until next week. At the same time, he notes it's on Councillors' minds.

"We talked about a few things just in general, but she was going to get some stuff prepared for us. And then we're going to go over it and make our adjustments, and point out our shortfalls, or whatever we need to do to make it better, or longer term planning, and see where we go with that."

Sigfusson adds another problem in getting the budget started is they don't have a clear picture of how much they'll receive from Disaster Financial Assistance claims.

"You want to know what they're going to actually process for you, but they don't give you any answers. It's kind of a 'hurry up and wait'. If you know you're going to have this money, then you can make your budget work. If you don't have it, what's the other scenario that we have to work with."

Sigfusson admits Council's a little frustrated because of the delay, because they want to do the budget right the first time, instead of dealing with several revisions.