Cody Blight's senior year of Junior A hockey is over. The 21-year-old played his final season with the Waywayseecappo Wolverines and missed out on the playoffs by six points. Despite the less-than-ideal end to the year, Blight was still proud to call this group of guys his teammates.

"I absolutely loved every second of it with these guys. We worked so hard all year and had a really good start to the year," Blight explains. "We ran into a bit of injury trouble in the second half. That took a toll on us, which was really tough to see. But there wasn't any other group of guys I would've rather played with this year."

The Oakville native ended the season with 26 points in 44 games but had 14 points in a 13-game stretch from December 10-January 28 before suffering a concussion.

"It definitely sucked. I started to get hot right before my concussion, and then I was able to come back and keep the same level of play," Blight continues. "It really sucked that it was too late for me, and we just came up a little short. Ultimately, it's disappointing but it happens, I guess."

Blight was out for a month with a head injury, and after going scoreless in his first three games back, he ended the season putting up seven points in the final seven games.

"It was really tough having to sit in the stands there for a few weeks, especially at that point in the season. I had a couple of guys around me, like our captain, that was also hurt at the time. It helped me keep a positive mindset on it. I knew the importance of the games that we had when I came back, so I tried to stay mentally sharp. I was just ready to go again once I came back."

Blight played eight games in his career for the Portage Terriers, and with his team out of the race, he has found himself rooting for them a little bit.

"I definitely cheer for my buddies, (Kian) Calder and (Ryan) Botterill. They're really good guys, and I played Central Plains (Capitals with them). So, I'm really cheering for their success."

The forward had four opportunities to go up against his friends in Portage this season and went 2-2. Blight had two goals in his first game at Stride Place.

"It was really fun. Those were the games I had circled on my calendar. I have a few buddies on that team and have played with a lot of them. It's fun trying to play spoiler and coming back to the home barn with all my friends and family in the stands. I really wanted to ruin the Terriers' night and bring a win home for Wayway."

With just a few weeks to digest everything, Blight is still unsure what his future holds.

"I'm taking it day-by-day right now. I'm still deciding whether I'm going to go to school to play or if I'm just going to go to school and start my farming career," Blight continues. "I definitely have some options on the table but just taking it day-by-day to make a decision."