Was it an average August in terms of temperature for Portage la Prairie? Local weather observer Henry Romance seems to think so.

After recording temperatures for all thirty-one days, he says the average daily high was 25.8 degrees. In 2021, the average high was 25.0. In 2020, it was 25.8. In fact, the last ten years have been fairly steady -- no significant average high records were set in that time.

There was a little more variance when you look at daily lows. In 2022, the daily low average was 14 degrees, which was almost a degree higher than last year, when it was 13.1. In 2020, it was 12.6. Again, no significant record breakers in that category either.

August was not the month for thunderstorms as only two days of thunder were recorded, compared to six for the month of July.

Rainfall-wise, Romance recorded 83 millimetres for August 2022. That's a little less than last year's 86 millimetres for August. 2020 was a down year when he recorded 67.

Romance says he also likes to record the total summer rainfall. He notes this year was quite significant. From April 1st to August 31st, he recorded 517 millimetres of rainfall. That is almost double what we've seen the previous three years. (2021: 225mm, 2020: 232mm, 2019: 233mm.)