Manitoba Ag Days recently awarded The Manitoba Ag Museum in Austin with a $5,000 donation.

Ag Museum President Robert Beamish says talks about receiving the funds, and explains how it happened.

"It was a real blessing to learn about it. Manitoba AG Days ran a give back program to the area around them, they had 3 catagories, and we were in the heritage catagory and were successfuly in the receiving this lovely donation."

Beamish says the money's going toward some repairs.

"It's leaking, and we've got a lot of nice artifacts under it that are presently covered up and can't be seen. The building's off limits for visitors and we'd like to have it back for our show this summer if possible. So if we can get the funds raised we'll get the roof replaced and be able to have our exhibit open for this year. At the very least for 2017, which is the 150th year of Canada."

Beamish doesn't have an exact cost for the roof repairs, but estimates around 70, to 80 thousand dollars.