Some young entrepreneurs had a chance to showcase their wares and services in a trade show at PCI yesterday.  Business teacher Sean Hopps details the event.

"The Grade 12 students in the business program here at PCI have been working all year starting, creating and coming up with their own business ideas," says Hopps. "They're all financially, emotionally and mentally invested in this so this is the wrap up to all that.  The students have taken the products or services that they've been running with and setting up their own trade show.  They've planned, organized and done everything leading up to this event."

Justice Bryson displays the wares for her Thé Candle Company. (Photo by Lucas Plett)Local judges were given 10,000 "dollars" to invest in the different businesses.  How much the companies received was dependant on the answers that they gave to the different questions asked about their product/service.

"So what we're trying to see," notes Hopps. " Is which students have come up with potentially the best business idea.  Or one that's most feasible or scaleable, if you were to actually go and invest your hard-earned capital into these business to help them grow.  They're in competition with each other to see who can grow or have the potential to grow even bigger."

With about eight business projects in the trade show, it seems the entrepreneurial spirit is alive and well at PCI.