The Guitarist of the Year award in 2018 for the MCMA was won by Stephen Arundell, and he's a nominee for this year's All Star Band of the Year for Guitar.

He shares how it feels.

"Especially after the year that we've all just had or almost two years, it's nice just to get that little recognition from all your friends and fellow guitar players," says Arundell. "There are some great guitar players in that category as well. Murray Pulver, another Portage la Prairian, has won it before as well."

He says he's been playing guitar since he was a child. Arundell notes that the thought crosses his mind if this is what he should be doing.

"It's nice to get just that little push, 'Yeah, yeah, you're doing alright. Keep doing what you're doing," continues Arundell.

Arundell has played with bands like Petric, Desiree Dorian, and he even played with Chad Brownlee for a few years.

"I've been playing with Chad for maybe these last five years," adds Arundell. "So, whenever he goes out, I'll do stuff with him. I've been playing with Des for years and lots in Manitoba -- Nelson Little, another Portage la Prairian. Patrick J. Turner -- lots of great Manitoba artists. Lots of them are actually on the awards show. Over the last number of years, they've all sort of been keeping me busy. I've been working with Nelson for a while and produced a couple of his tunes."