A potential new Rotary Club member is hoping she'll be able to contribute once she is able to join the group.

Arishya Aggarwal attended her first Rotary Club of Portage la Prairie meeting as a guest and says the members were extremely welcoming right off the bat. The owner and CEO of Taste of Spice recently returned to Portage la Prairie after pursuing post-secondary education in Kingston, Ontario and is ready to help out the community.

"I love the people there," mentions Aggarwal. "it was just a great experience overall to just get some insight and exposure as a young person and as a young business owner to just see what the Rotary Club does and what it gives to its community."

Aggarwal adds that she's volunteered alongside organizations in the city such as the Portage Community Revitalization Corporation, and she was also the Youth Council Representative on City Council in 2018 and 2019. Now she's ready to see what contributions she can make as a business owner, giving her a new lens on the city.

"I think just learning what they do, learning what it's about, learning how much passion and how much work has gone into this club," explains Aggarwal. "Seeing how big it is and how their impact reaches no limits, I think that's really inspiring to me and I think that's something I would definitely love to be a part of."

The Rotary Club has been looking to increase their membership as numbers have fallen in recent years.