Deciding whether to add a 4-legged-friend to the family can be a big decision.  How much time will I have to invest?  Can I afford it?  Am I ready?  These are just some of the questions you may be asking yourself.  While your slippers may disappear and fur covered clothes may become the usual around the house it can be super rewarding...


1. You'll Exercise More

It may not seem obvious but getting out for a 30 minute walk a day really adds up!

2. Your Social Life Will Improve

Dog owners like talking about their dog to other dog owners.  Plus it's just another reason to strike-up a conversation with someone you just met.

3. Your Kids Will Be Less Likely To Have An Allergy

Living in a home with a dog can help kids grow up to have an increased immunity to pet allergies later in life.

4. They're Good For Mental Health

Dogs will also greet you with excitement, whether you were gone for 5 minutes or 5 hours.


Find the full list of reason to get a dog at Life Hack.


Visit PAWS if you're thinking about adopting.