The reeve of the RM of Grahamdale's concerned over flooding issues around the Fairford River area. Clifford Halaburda describes the conditions they've been keeping a close eye on.

"What I've seen in the last few days, is that it appears to me that the Fairford River coming out of water that's rising out of Lake Manitoba," explains Halaburda. "I guess water's coming away from the south where it always does, or others. It could be coming from the Water Hen system, Winnipegosis and other places."

He notes they found the system north of the Fairford Structure that controls flow from Lake Manitoba to be backed up in many of their drains coming from a nearby marsh due to the cold weather. Halaburda adds they're hoping weather becomes warm enough to melt it away, or else they'll be in for some flooding. He says they're working on some contacts to rid the area of the ice, and it has to be done soon to avoid flooding.

"Some of the landowners close to the system north of the structure to the lower system saw a bunch of ice form during the recent storm," says Halaburda. "It blocked the system sending water northward. A rancher had to move cattle. It looked ugly for a while. It broke through since then, and water has receded. If all functions the way it currently is, it will be fine. A heavy rainfall could change that. Ranchers close to the water could see problems during calving season."

Halaburda adds they spoke to people from the Dauphin River system where that river has also risen, and is backed up in places that are level with the highway. He notes they're in danger of flooding as well.