Students at Yellowquill School were ecstatic when the ribbon was cut for the grand opening of the new playground.

Yellowquill Principal Shawn Harkness says they're excited for the official opening of the playground.

"We've waited a long time. The fundraising has started years ago with our parent advisory council and our Yellowquill Student Council," says Harkness. "To finally see it come to fruition, is an enjoyable moment."

School Board Chair Rod Brownlee says this is the first commitment of money that the school board has made.

"When the parent councils came to us, and the principals came to us, they said they needed help because of the huge cost there is, " says Harkness. "The board took it under consideration and in their budget this year decided yes, we're going to contribute. We're going to contribute in the future as well. This is a locally funded project."

Although the grand opening took place already, Brownlee hints there could be more to come.

"We need some lighting and we need some benches for parents. One of the things parents have said is they love the playground, and they think it's fantastic, but where are we going to be? We don't want them on the swing," says Brownlee. "We're going to look at putting some benches and lighting in."