Warm weather is coming our way. . . for the next two weeks, or so. It will be balmy compared to the recent deep freeze Portage la Prairie experienced as it has moved into more of an average temperature Monday for this time of year.

Environment Canada's Samantha Mauti outlines the significant change in our forecast.

"Today (Monday), is the last day of this week that we're seeing temperatures around the normal mark for this time of year for the Portage area," says Mauti. "For context, a normal high for Portage la Prairie is a high of -12°C. And that's what the forecast high for today; around -11°C is expected. But then as we go into later in the week, we're seeing temperatures well above normal for the end of January, and approaching the 0°C mark."

When we have temperatures in the minus single digits -- even above zero a couple of forecast ties this week -- it's due to sitting beneath the pattern of an upper low, which generally causes some cold temperatures and cloudy conditions. However, Mauti explains we're starting to see that upper high move more into other parts of the country. 

"And we're seeing upper ridging starting to build into the prairies, which generally means warmer temperatures," continues Mauti. "With that upper low, we've also had a surface high associated with it, bringing cold air from up north into the prairies. That surface high is moving more east. So, we're starting to see some of those temperatures increase also due to the flow coming from further south. The warmer air is coming from areas further south."

Seeing as this change is beginning right now, good chances are that the ridge will become stronger for next week. Mauti says this means the next couple of weeks will see above-normal temperatures. 

"That upper low generally causes those cold temperatures," notes Mauti. "With the Arctic high sitting over the prairies, the air is coming from the Arctic. All of those cold temperatures are getting funnelled into the prairies. "