The Town of Stonewall council just passed a resolution to allow the addition of granny suites to be built on an individual basis in a more streamlined fashion.

"We allowed granny suites," says Mayor Lockie McLean. "So, let's say someone has an older family member, for example. We know the shortage that there is in personal care homes. Families have to look out for themselves, and for their elderly. By allowing granny suites, it's allowed folks to add onto their existing houses if they have a situation like that."

He explains they've changed the designation for such projects to permitted use. This means it's as easy to get approval for a granny suite as it is for approval to build a porch on your house. Residents simply go to the planning board to obtain a permit, and that's it. McLean adds with the need for assisted housing, and the government's difficulties in providing funding for it, individuals are able to help themselves if they're in that kind of situation.