Portage la Prairie just got its first permanent snowfall for the season. The first traces of the white blanket are a good sight for the Portage la Prairie & District Chamber of Commerce for a couple of reasons.

Portage la Prairie & District Chamber of Commerce president Preston Meier says one of them is how seasonal needs of buyers are supplied by the local merchants.

"You've got winter snow tires and snow-blowers you certainly don't see in the springtime," Meier explains. "So, I think a lot of our business owners take that entrepreneurial spirit and try to adapt to those seasons and offer the products and services that help us individually at that time of year. And, of course, Christmas. A lot of our local members and local businesses see a lot of their retail dollars come within that holiday season."

Meier continues the second is Christmas. "We talk about Christmas a lot, and we certainly have a support-local program. We certainly encourage residents to support local the best way they can. But I think the seasons have a lot to do with it as well. The nice thing is that we have four seasons. What that does is present some challenges. There may be some snow, a little ice, and those kinds of things. But it also presents a lot of opportunity."

He adds he encourages you to support local when you shop for the season, keeping in mind that it's local business owners who give back to your community.