Two baseball score clocks were donated anonymously to the Portage Regional Recreation Authority earlier this year, for use on Diamonds 7 and 8 at Republic Park, but that hasn't happened.

Shane Moffatt helped facilitate the donation, and explains he was asked what the park needed to bring in large events.

"And I told them that score clocks would be nice," he says, "And they came into Stride Place over a month and a half ago. The one score clock's been put up, and the other one still sits at Stride Place, and my thoughts of somebody giving over $20,000 in donations, when those clocks came, they should have been installed just out of courtesy."

PRRA General Manager David Sattler acknowledges one of the clocks was installed.

David Sattler

"It took a little bit longer than we anticipated for that day," he says, "So then the other one we had to take back, and the plans are to put that one up, hopefully, the first couple of weeks of August. But before that, we're going to have a local electrical company come out and install the power to the one that's currently there, as well as the power for the future clock, and the batting cages."

Meanwhile, Moffatt feels if the clocks were working, they'd help promote the park.

"Baseball Manitoba's out here on a weekly basis, using these diamonds," he says, "And with the score clocks not being up, they're looking around,'why not?' And how do you get exposure -- you have those clocks up and running, and I guess my biggest question why aren't they up, and why aren't they running?"

For his part, Sattler understands Moffat's feelings, but stresses they have a timeline for getting them functional.

"Probably looking by the middle of August that those score clocks should be completely operational," he says, "It was something that we would have done a lot earlier in the year, but it's been quite a busy year for ourselves, in trying to ensure that we get these up as soon as we can."