Tuesday's Rotary Meeting consisted of a call to action to stand up to the meth abuse in Portage.

Joyce Schrader, the Executive Director for the Portage Family Abuse Prevention Centre, shared some of the struggles they face with an increase in meth and crime in the city.

Schrader heard other facets of the community were having the same struggles, and she wanted to do something about it.

"I felt compelled to contact Guy Moffat and advise him that we're seeing a meth crisis in our facilities from time to time, says Schrader. "It's escalating and occurring far more often than before."

Meth and crime are hot issues in Portage this year, with a provincial election around the corner. Schrader says it's a growing problem for them.

"The thefts are up, and crime is up. All of us in social services and health are overwhelmed at this stage," says Schrader. "It's overwhelming us to the point where we're needing everyone on board for Portage."

While there is no easy fix for this problem, Schrader wants to see more happen within the community.

"I believe that this problem is bigger than me, it's bigger than the police, it's bigger than the social service agencies, and businesses," says Schrader. "It's going to take a coordinated community effort including our leaders and government to recognize it and to have facilities to make Portage safe for everyone."