RM of Portage la Prairie Ward 6 Councillor Dale Wood attended his final council meeting this past week the day before municipal elections. Reeve Kam Blight presented Wood with a clock at the council meeting as members honoured his work.

"It was in recognition of his dedication, commitment and service to the RM of Portage la Prairie," says Blight. "Dale and I came on council at the same time as well as Councillor Blight. It's been an absolute pleasure working alongside Dale. He's truly had the best interests of the municipality at heart, and he was a great team player with our council."

Blight explains council admires and appreciates his commitment to the RM. 

"We thank him for his dedication and service," adds Blight. "We also wish him all the best going forward, as we know that he was a very busy individual. He hasn't slowed down since getting on council and we certainly wish him all the best."

Dale WoodDale Wood

Deputy Reeve Garth Asham reflects on his collaboration with Wood. 

"It's been a great opportunity to work with Dale," notes Asham. "He's been committed in his position as councillor for Ward 6 and you know what? We always stress the team environment here at the RM of Portage, and he's contributed to that. We all try and contribute to that. It's been a nice, social setting for us. It's been a business setting. It's been a work-result setting, so we've enjoyed him on council and it's sad to see him go."

Asham adds Wood is heavily involved with his cattle herd and many other activities. 

"At the end of the day, he's happy, and we're happy for him, so we've enjoyed it," notes Asham. 

Wood shares his thoughts.

"It's been good," says Wood. "It's twelve years, and eight years longer than I thought it might be. They're a great bunch to work with and we have great friendships for life. We've been through floods, droughts, snowstorms and Colorado lows. Everybody handled everything very well and it's been fun. It's really enjoyable. You don't get enough in the first term. We're still learning as we go, so it's a bit time-consuming event, but all worth it." 

Adam Carpenter is now occupying in the seat for Ward 6.