This past Monday the Portage Regional Library was the location of a regional meeting with several library directors. Portage Regional Library Head Librarian Richard Bee shares how they fared.

Richard Bee (photo by Mike Blume)"We had discussions in regards to some of our logistical challenges, how we do operations in our respective communities, and a lot of the funding and provincial issues that we all face," explains Bee. "There was a grand total of seven. It was pretty wide-ranged from across the province."

Representatives came from the Winkler and Morden area, Brandon, Selkirk, Stonewall, Steinbach and Thompson. 

He says they shared many of their operational details, financial information, staffing salaries, and how they move forward with their work, funding opportunities such as grants, and they accomplish staffing, library programming and facility matters.

"It was a very fruitful discussion," adds Bee. "I know personally, for myself, I very much appreciated being able to speak with many of my peers. So, it was kind of a good discussion on what currently exists and a good discussion, I think, in terms of how public libraries in this province could potentially move forward in the future."

He notes, knowing they will support each other, they will be able to have each others' backs, which Bee adds was important to himself. He says they're hoping to get together about once or twice a year for the same purpose.