Retailers involved with lawn and garden equipment have been feeling the effects of the region's rain over the last week. Swen's Small Engines owner Norm Swenson of Elie has been in the business for 34 years and reflects on how it's impacted the region.

"Last year, being very dry and nobody was cutting grass, nobody was tilling gardens, and weeds weren't really growing, so business was very slow. You're not selling and you're not repairing when that happens. This year, hopefully, things will change around with the moisture that we've been having. The grass is growing much quicker"

swensThe team at Swen's Small Engines

Swenson is an avid camper and comments his favourite spot for the summer is Miller's campground just west of Portage. Swenson notes with all of the moisture we'll likely see plenty of mosquitoes and water laying in small pools in many spots around the region. 
