If you notice red dresses in the windows of the Portage Friendship Centre, they're on display for a serious reason.

This coming Sunday is Red Dress Day, and Centre Career Consultant Jeanna Emms explains it's to remember missing and murdered indigenous women.

She adds it's important for the Friendship Centre to be involved.

Jeanna Emms in front of one of the red dresses"The Friendship Centre is a source of community resources," she says, "Part of that is remembering all our cultures, but things like the missing and murdered indigenous women is close to us. These are our people, these are our friends, there are people that we know."

Emms is the Centre's Career Consultant, and outlines how you can show your support.

"To wear red on May 5th," she says, "Whether it's a red dress or a red shirt, and just remember that there are people waiting for their children to come home, and let's not forget them."

Here are more of the dresses.