The search for an executive director for Portage Regional Economic Development is still on. Chair Preston Meier describes their need.

Preston Meier"Obviously it's an extremely important position to us," explains Meier. "With all of the economic development that's been going on in and around Portage in the last little while, we need the right qualified candidate to help us keep moving that stuff forward. So, we do have that posting out there again. And it does close August 9th. So, if there is somebody that's maybe interested in that role and has those qualifications, they can apply now."

He notes PRED's ED is the face of Portage. Meier says many investors reach out to the city and go through the economic development office, making PRED their first introduction to Portage. He adds the position also links all the city departments.

"For any type of a business or any type of investment in Portage, we want to make sure that they've got all the right access to all the right people to get it done as fast as possible," continues Meier. "Our goal is always to shorten the length of time between the business and government."

Meier says this person will represent the RM and City who are the funding partners for the office. He notes it's exciting to see our region in the place it's currently standing, and they want to ensure this continues moving forward as strongly as it possibly can.

Information for the position is available at this website link.