The Portage la Prairie RCMP detachment received a package recently, which turned out to be gifts from a very appreciative resident. Inspector Paul Peddle shares their appreciation in return.

Paul PeddleInspector Paul Peddle

"A little while back, we had a call from a local citizen who wanted to do something to recognize the work of the police in the community for RCMP 150," says Peddle. "As you know, we're celebrating 150 years of the RCMP as a national police force. And when I opened it, I was surprised to see some really nice signs in there that show the support for the RCMP and the great work that the members do here at the detachment."

Lawn signs

Peddle explains he pulled lawn signs from the parcel that he placed around the entrance of the detachment. He notes this allows the public to view the support that people in the community have for their work. 

"We're getting some really good comments, and it just reinforces the great work that our members do here in the community," adds Peddle. "As police officers, a lot of the time we hear the negative things, and when we see some positive things like this coming from the community and from the people, that really puts a smile on our face. 

So, we're very glad to receive these signs, and we're going to keep them up there as long as we can until the snow hits them."

Lawn signs

He says they'll receive some gifts dropped off at the detachment every now and then they're going through a difficult time or file. Peddle says it was quite unique to think that someone in the community would make the effort to recognize their officers and order those signs.

"I know a lot of the members here have commented on it, as well, and when people come to the front counter, a lot of them take the time to mention these signs there, and to express their gratitude for the members that work here."

To take a look at the signs, visit their location at the corner of Lorne Avenue and 3rd St NE.