Portage Padres team Manager Andrew Moar is proud of his announced team, 4-0 to start this season, and is optimistic about their future performance. 

"It feels pretty good. There were a couple of question marks going into this season, but everybody's settling into finding their roles, and we're really hitting the baseball well and playing some good ball right now."

He says starting the season with so many away games can be challenging, but he is glad the team is holding up. 

"We had a tough schedule with lots of away games to start, but it will feel good when it comes closer to the end of the season when we start playing our home games."

The Padres play the Austin A's at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, June 5, and the manager is confident they can win. 

"All we have to do is go out there and hit the baseball well and make our routine plays defensively, and we should have a good chance of winning."

He notes that the biggest highlight from their four-game winning streak is that they almost dropped the ball against Plumas last week but were able to adapt and ultimately win the game.