Having submitted $3 million to the new Portage hospital build, the Portage District General Hospital Foundation is recuperating some funding to its account for additional projects that are sure to come its way. Executive Director Tara Pettinger says they're issuing notices on their social media page shortly about additional efforts to assist with the new hospital, and the project's getting to the point where those can be determined in a better way.

"They're starting to see where some areas the foundation can come into play and help with some really cool enhancements. One that we just approved was a very cool sky ceiling. When people are having certain tests or scans done, it's a ceiling that, instead of looking at those tiles, it sort of looks like the sky. We'll have some images of that on our social media. So, things like that where we can really enhance this facility for our community are huge for us." 

Pettinger says, like everyone else, they're sitting back and watching the dream come to reality and life, noting it's wonderful and exciting to see. 

"So I've seen the story on PortageOnline with all the updates and we've been getting those ongoing updates, trying to keep the community up to speed on new pictures that we get -- new drone videos, and things like that. I know everybody's loves to see it come to life. It's something that we've been waiting in the community for a long time," says Pettinger.

She adds they're currently working with their Cash Calendars with the first draw coming up on June 3rd with over $30,000 in cash to be given away.


Check out their Facebook page for twelve draws where you can purchase your own.