The theme of The Pink Panther played through the open space at the Herman Prior Activity Centre on Wednesday. Portage Collegiate Institute's Jazz Band paid a visit and Centre Executive Director Kathy Bryce says they're fortunate to have them out for their annual visit. 

"They come and show us what the students have been doing and it's awesome," says Bryce. "These kids really, really amaze me with their talent. And Cullen Yeates is a very, very great music instructor. So, we have fun when they come here. We have a lot of their families that come out, as well, and listen to their performance. Usually, they get to see what happens at Herman Prior Centre. So, that's a nice added bonus for us." 

Kathy BryceKathy Bryce

She notes many Centre members come out and enjoy the jazz music, adding not much of that style of song is performed at the Centre.

"We do try to get as much jazz music here as we can," continues Bryce. "They love it and they come and then they stay for lunch. They make an afternoon of it. When the PCI band comes, we do take donations at the door because it is a free event. Anybody can come and listen, but we take donations that we give right back to the band. That works really well for everyone involved."

Bryce says the donations are quite generous. 

Casey Moffit has been playing flute for two years and says, "My mom actually came, but I think it's a great opportunity to help share band and music. We do this many times in front of the community. It's nervous at first, but after you get into it, it's kind of comes easier."

Morgan Fidler plays clarinet and adds it's somewhat nerve-wracking until about mid-piece. She says her parents came out to hear her, adding she's been playing for three years. She enjoys playing Pinnacle which she describes as more complex and flowing, and includes a solo with her playing alto saxophone with another student.