The PCI Trojans men's curling team recently brought home another banner, winning the Zone 4 championship with a 9-0 victory over Morden this past weekend. Skip Colton Olafson says the team played pretty well in the final to earn them the championship.

"We took the lead pretty early, and just played conservatively for the rest of the game."

The foursome went through the event with a 4-1 record with their only loss coming to Morden, a team they had previously beat at the event to win the A-side.

Olafson says the team felt pretty confident going into the tournament, noting they been successful at the event in the past. The squad is made up of himself, lead Colby Nikkel, second Hunter Jeffries, and third Tristan Blight.

Olafson adds the team's goal is to perform well at provincials next. At the U-18 provincial event earlier this month with a similar team, they ended up with a 2-2 record.

"We've been to high school provincials three times before, so we know to expect a bit more pressure, being provincials and all, but I think we'll do well there. We've seen many of these teams and players at other events we have been to"

The tournament will begin on February 8th and runs through the 10th.