Recreation Opportunities for Kids Central just kicked off its Pals in the Playground program for the fifth year.

Lynne Parker is the Executive Director of ROK Central and shares, it's a highly anticipated program all year round. She adds the first week of the program was yet again a huge success.

"The kids are just pumped when they come there," says Parker. "They just enjoy being out there. It gives us an opportunity to do some positive mentoring and just hang out with the kids."

During Pals, ROK brings equipment, games, toys, you name it! Everyone is welcome, and parents who want to volunteer can too. At the end of the program, a healthy snack is provided.

Pals takes place on Mondays at Fort La Reine School, Tuesdays at La Verendrye School, and Wednesdays at North Memorial school.

Every Pals night starts at 6:30 p.m. and runs until 8:00 p.m.