As a result of the efforts to help families with children going through a cancer journey, a campaign was formed as a legacy for Nori Wall which had overwhelming results. Nori lost a battle to brain cancer in January of last year. Her mother, Haleigh Wall, put the word out for people to donate gift cards so those families facing a similar situation could be blessed with some assistance. 

"Just so many people responded well to it. We got $4,850 worth of donations, which is triple what I thought we were going to get," says Wall. "And after we did the radio interview, all of a sudden, we were getting lots of e-transfers from people who were not on the (Facebook) page or whom I didn't know. It clearly came from the radio interview, which was amazing. And then, of course, just everyone from our Facebook page, friends, and family. It just was overwhelming how many people contributed to this."

Nori's family delivered the gift cards Friday, March 8, to Clinic 5 at Manitoba Cancer Care. 

"That's the clinic for children with cancer. So, in honour of Nori, we delivered those, and everybody cried. The nurses had wonderful stories to tell us about Nori and they remembered her and her spunk. It was very hard, for sure, to walk into that building without her, and to walk out of the building without her. But it also felt rewarding that we were going to help so many families."

Wall says she wants to thank all of you who contributed and they're incredibly honoured.

"We know Nori would have absolutely loved being able to do this and we hope to do something again in the future."