The reeve of the RM of Grahamdale says budget planning for 2016 is well underway, and things are going smoothly.

Clifford Halaburda says Council is nearly halfway through finalizing some of the projects the 2016 budget will be used for, but notes it will take a few more Council meetings before anything is set in stone.

"We're almost one half into the 2016 budget. It's going to take another meeting or two to get everything into place, and then we've got to finalize it as the time goes by. We've got to get our projects in place, and what I mean by projects is things like regular road maintenance, water drainage, programming, grass cutting, and all maintenance for the RM of Grahamdale."

Halaburda says everything has gone according to plan so far.

"The budget looks good to us right now...there isn't a big deficit carryover or anything like that. Everything turned out well in 2015, so there shouldn't be any problem in the 2016 budget."