Several 4-H Manitoba members got a tour of the Parliament buildings this week with Portage-Lisgar's Member of Parliament (MP), Branden Leslie.

"It was great to meet with these great kids. There were two of them from Portage-Lisgar, from Elm Creek and Darlingford, in a group of over a dozen from across the province. It was great group of kids here with other kids from other 4-H chapters across Canada. They're taking part in Parliamentary activities, including a debate upcoming this Saturday in the Senate with a whole bunch of them taking part. It was just a great chance to tour them around the building, see the excitement in their eyes. It was the first time for, at least the ones from Manitoba, being here in Ottawa, so just an opportunity to get to know some young people, and 4-H does such a tremendous job in helping raise awareness about agriculture, but more broadly, making good people."

Leslie shared pictures on his Facebook page with the group, including a brief meeting and photo opportunity with Conservative Party leader.

"We were able to time it in such a way that I was able to introduce them to Pierre Poilievre, our conservative leader and the next Prime Minister of Canada. All these kids, being on social media, are pretty aware of Pierre, and were very excited to get the chance to shake his hand, and we got a few selfies and a group picture with the Manitoba folks. So, I'd like to say I was the high point, but undoubtedly, it was them getting the chance to meet Pierre Poilievre."

The MP adds that if residents of Portage, or parties from the area are in Ottawa, to contact his office, and he'd be happy to meet with them.

"If any individuals or groups are coming to Ottawa for a conference or vacation, please reach out to my office. I love when I get to meet with people from Portage, Portage-Lisgar, or Manitoba more broadly, and get the chance to show them around here in Ottawa. So, please reach out to my office if you're going to be in the national capital region."