Last week saw a significant infrastructure grant from the provincial government given to the RM of Rockwood.

They received $300,000, that's going toward the ongoing installation of radio-controlled water meters in Stony Mountain.

Reeve Jim Campbell admits they're surprised at how successful their application was.

"First, financially, we don't have take so much money out of our reserves," he says, "So it helps the whole RM, so we're not depleting reserves. It also makes the job more efficient. The guys don't have to get out of the vehicles and read each meter, they can just drive down the street, and what normally takes a few days, can now be done in a couple of hours."

Campbell why they made the application.

"Our meters were installed when the water system was put in," he says, "And I'm thinking that was 25 or 30 years ago, and they were not reading accurately, so we were losing revenue as far as the meters and water consumption. So we thought we would upgrade it to something that's also a little more user-friendly."

He adds all the new water meters should be installed within about a month.