After competing in the Battle of the Bands, Nelson Little is feeling pretty jazzed about his music career.

He notes that he is grateful for the people working with him that helped win the contest.

"We work hard at this. The band's been working hard, everyone's coming together. There's a great team behind us that helps that helps fuel this engine and I couldn't be prouder to work with the excitement on the team, the guys in the band are energetic, full of smiles and they helped win that for me. You know, it's Battle of the Bands. It's not Battle of the Singer or Battle of the Artist. So, it was a great experience."

On top of his win there, his new song, Just Make It Happen has been picked up by the Manitoba Rodeo Association as their slogan. He notes that he's also got a few other things on the go this summer.

"There's lots of other things happening that I didn't expect. E-Talk Canada invited us out to an interview in Toronto on June 25. Big things are starting to happen. We're working hard and it's awesome to part of such a great group."

The Indigenous Music Countdown (IMC) had Just Make It Happen as their number one song as well, and Little adds that there was tremendous support from the community.

"They had record-breaking votes, we heard. I don't know what that means, I don't know how many. But to hear that it was record-breaking, I'm sure the IMC is aware of that. I'm not, but I'm super grateful for the support, our community has been great. If I didn't have a team and a way to get the message out, none of this would've happened."

After the trip to Toronto, Nelson adds that he has a few other things coming up, starting with Dauphin's Countryfest.

"We've got obligations in Montreal and Vancouver, just discussing rosters for festivals. There's so much coming in, it's exciting."