La Verendrye School celebrated International Day of Pink yesterday, standing up against bullying, homophobia, and transphobia.

It was organized by Kindergarten to Grade 5 Guidance Councillor Sheryl Ross, who says it was important to the staff and students that the school be a welcoming and inclusive space. Ross came up with some activities for everyone to enjoy.

"I found some good videos describing what Day of Pink is all about. So, the kids watched those. We did 'Lend a Hand, Take a Stand Against Bullying.' So, everybody did a handprint, they put their name on it. They could put a quote, whatever they felt about the day, decorate it, and then all the hands will go up on the wall. We also had little T-shirts that the kids could draw. So, those will be up around the halls as well."

While walking the halls at the school, you could see plenty of people -- both students and staff -- taking part. Grade 7 students Destiny Dearlove and Avelynn McGlinchey were happy to show their support.

The four speakers in the story, standing together.Brittany Boschman, Avelynn McGlinchey, Destiny Dearlove, Sheryl Ross

"Kids feel really bad when they get bullied and it can cause big problems," says Dearlove. "Depression, anxiety -- you can be insecure, because people bully you."

McGlinchey agreed, saying it's important to make school a place where people can learn and not worry about that negativity.

"You want to feel safe at school," says McGlinchey. "Some kids don't want to go because of bullying."

Brittany Boschman is an Educational Assistant and says she was tickled pink by the students stepping up.

"It makes me feel great to see the kids involved because it's community building, right? So, it's very important," says Boschman. "All of the kids feel like they're contributing something and showing support to something that's very important to them."

Many students and staff at La Verendrye School were wearing pink!