The next 12 months will be busy for the RM of Victoria. Reeve Harold Purkess says the number 1 priority for the year ahead will be the lagoon situation in Holland and Cypress River, because it's an issue that has carried over from last year.

"First and foremost, we have to deal with the lagoon situation for both Holland and Cypress River. We've had some engineering work done in 2015 and we have to continue looking for sites and seeing where we can go with these in the upcoming year."

Purkess says the another main area of focus will be on infrastructure.

"We're really hoping that the federal government lives up to their word when they said that they were going to increase the infrastructure spending for municipalities. We're really behind and we definitely need their help, so if they increase that at all it will certainly be a benefit to us. It's kind of looking like waste, water and garbage sites are going to be a priority along with roads and bridges."

Purkess says if all goes according to plan it should be a very successful year.