Hopes are high for 2018 in the RM of Coldwell. Reeve Brian Sigfusson details the number of projects that the municipality has on the books for the new year.

"Completing the arena, we've got a drainage ditch we'd like to do, it's been on the books for two years so we're going to go forward with it. Of course our normal thing we might do some paving if we get the chance but we're kind of waiting until they come through with the highway there so we can tie it together."

The biggest project, however, remains up in the air. The channel between Lake Manitoba and Lake St. Martin is still not started due to a conflict between the provincial and federal governments. Sigfusson hopes the channel can get started soon, as flooding can be quite extensive in the area with some roads covered by up to two feet of water.

Sigfusson says he hopes the governments can work together to come up with a solution to get the channel built.