Many events, and people, for that matter, have had to rediscover themselves and how they do things during this long winded pandemic; this includes the Fort la Reine Museum and how they plan to celebrate the Christmas season this year.

Madison Connolly, executive director at the museum, goes through what the event would usually look like versus how it will look this year.

"Every year we do a holiday-themed family-friendly day at the museum, where we feature activities, games and things that have to do with Christmas, and we haven't been able to do that because of COVID. So, this year the idea was to switch up the event a little bit and offer an outdoor walking tour of the grounds at night when all the heritage buildings are lit up for the holidays."

Connolly details when the holiday magic will be taking place.

"We're inviting visitors to come by December 9th, 10th or 11th between 6:00 and 8:00 p.m., and it's admission by donation. All the donations go back right to our programming budget, so that allows us to offer accessible programs to the rest of the community all year round, which is fantastic."

The museum's executive director says they had planned to do this event last year but had to cancel it due to a government crackdown on COVID restrictions at the beginning of December.

She shares her excitement in actually hosting the jolly event this Christmas season.

"We're just really excited to bring the community back. I know that the museum is often, kind of, forgotten in the wintertime, with good reason as we're not officially open for regular hours. So, it's nice to offer some holiday or winter-themed activities for everyone."

Connolly notes that visitors will need to wear a mask, and those older than 12 years of age must show proof of vaccination to participate in the holiday lights and displays throughout the museum grounds.