Fort la Reine School had a significant highlight in 2023 which included the addition of a new Grade. Assistant principal Tanis Mauws explains it was the milestone of the year.

"The biggest thing was transitioning to having Grade 7," says Mauws. "It's, sort of, turning into a middle school and having sports and jerseys and all that stuff. I think it was really exciting for the kids, and for the staff, too. The kids loved it. It's a big draw. We were only able to field a girls volleyball team, but we have both girls and boys coming for basketball. It's also helped with attendance. Those kids want to be here to play sports, so it's been nice."


She notes parents likewise appreciate the change.

"We've seen more parents in the building," continues Mauws. "They have a reason to be here. Basketball will be a bit trickier because our gym isn't big enough to play games and have spectators. I think some of our home games are at PCI, and then a couple here."

Mauws says the hope is for a new gym to be constructed, noting it depends on the plans that come from governments, adding things always change. She says they'd like to split the current gym into some classes, and get a new one so parents can watch their kids play sports.

She explains having sports and keeping students who are going into Grade 7, along with keeping their aids, is a huge plus. 

"It's nice that you're not having to say bye to kids as quickly," continues Mauws. "Six years isn't that quick, but when you have to say bye to them for two years, it'll be nice to have them here all the way, till they head off to high school. Teachers like that, and getting more kids in the building is always good."

Mauws says they have an extra teacher on staff full-time now, who's teaching Grade 7. 

"She's doing fabulously, and is so good with those Grade 7s."