The Fort la Reine Museum is carefully watching the outcome of the loosening of restriction on COVID-19 responses. The facility is gearing up for opening, whenever that might be, depending on the province's ruling.

Madison Connolly Executive director, Madison Connolly, shares what they're looking at.

"We are preparing right now for our season opener," says Connolly. "We're hoping for early June. We don't have a specific date set yet. Obviously, things can change very fast with our current situation. But we do have lots of volunteers coming in with a restricted amount at one time. And everyone's here doing renovations and cleaning the grounds getting ready for spring."

She notes staff has already been hired for the season, and they begin at the end of May.

"We do not have a timeline ready to go if we are not able to open, if things change drastically between now and the summer," continues Connolly. "Our staff will remain on to help with conservation and renovations, and all of that. We are very optimistic and we are looking forward to the 2020 season."