Entries are closed and the winner has been picked! Based on no particular criteria, the Country 93 DJ's submitted their favorites which pretty much encompassed all of the photos. A random draw was made and Cathy Cramer was the lucky winner! See her's and all of the rest of the photo's below. And thanks for making the contest plenty of fun! Certainly lots of cute, messy and unique photos! 


Harvest time! A time of awesome food, hopefully. It doesn't always work as planned.  A new GE Appliance can always help with the occasion, whether it came from the freezer, cooled in the fridge, was cooked on the stove or the mess on the shirt was cleaned in the wash machine.

Submit a funny food photo and you could win $1000 gift card to Dino's for a new GE Appliance. Now what is a funny food photo? Well it could be almost anything. A messy kid with food all over his face, a staged photo with the Thankgiving turkey, the huge spill on the floor where Grandpa dropped the mashed potatoes, the lasagna that stayed in the oven way too long. If you submit a photo - you could win!