The RM of Armstrong is finishing up one of the last roadways that was damaged by the flood of 2011 thanks to a DFA claim made by the municipality.

During the flood, roadways all over the Interlake area were damaged or washed out and Reeve Jack Cruise says the last few roadways near Dennis Lake were difficult to get to, which is why it has taken so long for them to be repaired.

"I think this is probably the last one in our books that has to be done. It was just too wet to get back in there and fix it and we can finally get to it."

Cruise says Armstrong Construction is set to do the repair work on the road.

"There was a bunch of road damages and road washouts and that type of stuff in the RM of Armstrong and the rest of the municipalities in Interlake. This is just finishing up one of the last ones that needs to be repaired. We had a delegation from Armstrong Construction, who's going to do the repair work."

Cruise says he's relieved to finally be finished with the repairs.