École Crescentview School students were challenged to raise $3,000 for cancer research last month, and boy, did they deliver.

Britney Armstrong-Bernier, the physical education teacher, says the school initially challenged students to raise $3,000 for the Terry Fox Foundation.

If they succeeded? The deal was that they could deliver pies to the face of their teachers. However, students not only surpassed that $3,000 mark, they absolutely crushed that original goal by collecting a total of $4,600.

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 Armstrong-Bernier explains that the school had 22 teachers receive pies to the face.

"The kids loved it, and the staff loved it. It's just a really good community-building project."

The educator shares that the kids found out that they had reached their goal only about 10 minutes before their family BBQ last Tuesday, which was scheduled to happen either way.

"I made the announcement on our intercom system and let all the kids know, and we could hear cheering coming through the hallways, so they were pretty excited."

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Armstrong-Bernier says that she sent out letters on September 14th, and students had until October 4th for the funds to come in, making the total of $4,600 that much more impressive.

"We are so so grateful and very thankful for our community."

Armstrong-Bernier, who has been at the school since January of 2018, did take a pie to the face herself but says it was definitely worth it.

"I'm very proud of our school in our community, and it was just really nice to see us all be able to come together and have non-COVID restrictions impeding our event this year."

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Crescentview students also paid tribute to Terry Fox by participating in a walk around Portage last Tuesday.