With the potential threat of COVID-19 looming, certain types of people are more at risk to catch the virus.

People with weakened immune systems are at risk of contracting the virus, especially cancer patients.

Sharilyn Knox is the Executive Director of the Central Plains Cancer Services. She outlines what cancer patients should do to stay safe.

"They need to be recognizant of the areas that they're in and follow the guidelines on social interaction. Staying home as much as possible is very important, making sure they're keeping in touch with their healthcare professional, and doing all of the precautions like hand washing and coughing just like everyone else."

As a precaution, the CPCS has closed their doors for the next three weeks, but Knox says they have other ways to assist you.

"There's lots of stuff we can do through email or over the phone, such as the paying of bills with our patients who have taken rides etcetera. We can do that over the phone, or we can wait for a later date to do that. We ask people with compromised immunity to stay home because their health and safety is of utmost importance."

She says the virus is something that they as a charity have to be aware of.

"These are fundraising events for us, and so it could affect our organization, and we will have to regroup and figure out how we're going to look at covering those losses."

You can visit the CPCS website for more information.