The old adage better late than never rings true for outdoor ice rinks around Portage la Prairie.

As above-average temperatures earlier in the winter prevented city personnel from making outdoor rinks, the upside brought about by the recent deep freeze means Portagers can finally get outside and hit the ice.

"Trying to adhere to Manitoba safety rules and the health rules in addition to the weather (caused the delay)," says Preston Meier, Portage la Prairie city councillor. "Fortunately, we are able to open our rinks, and we do have four outdoor rinks that we construct and maintain each year."

The City of Portage la Prairie constructs and maintains four outdoor rinks free for public use each year. These outdoor rinks are located at Prosvita Park, North Memorial School, Red River College and McKay Ave Park.

"City staff has put up the boards and installed the ice. We do clean and flood the ice throughout the season as well," adds Meier. "Be careful, you don't want to get frostbite, but if you want to have the opportunity to skate, we've got those rinks. Also, there's a number of rinks that citizens have put on Crescent Lake, which is really cool as well."

Rinks around Portage la Prairie:

- Prosvita Park (3rd St NW & 7th Ave NW)
- North Memorial School (6th Ave NE)
- Red River College (5th St SE & Sask Ave)
- McKay Ave Park (Kitty Corral Park)