The Portage Learning and Literacy Centre can finally now service newcomers who previously fell through the cracks of the system and could not be fully assisted. Settlement Coordinator Miriam Turyamwijuka explains.

"We had services to only work with permanent residents," says Turyamwijuka. "The way we were kind of able to get around it in the past was by having a volunteer coordinator who could get volunteers to work with people with other statuses like work permits, students and new citizens."

She says funding for people outside the permanent resident status has now been initiated. This brought in Seyoum Legesse into the picture as Settlement Worker for Newcomers to Canada. She adds they're excited to have him with them and he's specifically funded to work with any newcomer to Portage.

Legesse outlines part of his role.

"Helping them with different application forms starting with Manitoba Health Card, if they're just arriving," notes Legesse, "and different applications with IRCC (Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada) and provincial nominee programs, and also renewing their work permits."