This winter, or lack thereof, could be concerning for farmers, but it all depends on what crops they've got in the ground.

Curtis Sims grows corn, soybeans, wheat, and Canola near MacGregor, saying the warm weather has made things easier when it comes to moving equipment. He notes that he'll have to keep a closer eye on the weather in April.

"We're more dependent on a good rain in April if the snowfall really does remain a long way below normal," explains Sims.

He adds that while this winter is undoubtedly drier than normal, it doesn't come close to the drought in 1980, which led to him losing out on a large amount of corn in late February.

All things considered, Sims isn't stressed about the weather hurting his crops.

Some crops that would react the worst to this weather are winter wheat and fall rye. Keaton Bachello has farmed both of these crops in the past and says they'd be worried about the frost making its way into the ground. He notes that if temperatures drop to -30 and there's no snow to insulate the crops, that could spell trouble.

"The thing that made us grow fall rye instead of winter wheat was that the survivability was just better," states Bachello. "The thing about fall rye is that it doesn't like the wet season, so you've got to grow on well-drained land."

Find the full forecast and current conditions here as winter continues to stay warmer than average.