La Verendrye School's boys basketball team, the La Verendrye Voyageurs, just finished a tournament over the weekend and came out undefeated. They played in MacGregor and coach Mitchell Nelissen shares.

"We went 3-0 throughout," says Nelissen. "We beat Austin, MacGregor, and Westpark. The boys thought it was a great way to end their season because that's kind of like our wind-up for the year. So, they're excited to end on a positive note."

He outlines the strategy to which they attribute the win. 

"Our team has really stepped it up defensively in the last month and a half, and they've been working really hard," continues Nelissen. "We're not giving up very many points or scoring chances."

He adds the girls team has a tournament upcoming this Friday, and is the counterpart of the boys' games at MacGregor against the same schools.

"Then we were we're looking to kick off badminton on the Monday after the weekend," notes Nelissen.